Marketing Apprentice with an obsession with the colour pink.

Lover of fashion but am a person of the poor kind so no money to fund the vogue lifestyle I dream for.
Please browse and enjoy my average life and average clothing ~

White Skirt Happiness.

(Excuse the messy room and plug socket galore) beautiful white skirt, Topshop, £5 from eBay. Always wanted a white skirt and was never too sure as am quite a clumsy and messy person, but the white skirt stayed white for this night. 
All hail eBay and the cheap deals one can get, I have experienced some very lucky purchases in the past, but white skirt beautifullness is my all time favourite.

Jelly loving and rubbing

One of the best days ever. Picking up jelly shoes for £15 in a sale, when they're usually £25 (but actually worth £3). I usually pair them with frill white socks, but this day I was obviously living dangerously and ready for the jelly rubbing. 

Messy walk in wardrobe

It's likely this room will appear in many posts. It's not a walk in wardrobe it's just a boring room but you don't need to know that. Clueless inspired outfit and tartan is queen

Creepers jeepers

I had a summer love affair with these creepers 2013. Until they completely fell to pieces. Ugly but beautiful. 

Choker - eBay. Shirt - Select. Jumper - Primark.

Office wear. White collars over faded jumpers does something to me. 

Neckline access.

Choker via eBay.
Pendent via eBay.
Standard black top needed a yin yang and Las Vegas touch.


Sixth form prom dress. Exactly what I wanted. ASOS £27 for the high neck bodycon red. Favourite moment finding it 😍

Malia pout

Malia post. Primark sunglasses and Sainsburies bikini. (Ft. Burnt chest)


H and M changing rooms.
This summer piece still haunts me. Why didn't I get it? Pale blue with a tiny floral décor is heavenly.
(excuse my trusty crumpled meow bag).

Checked sight

Day of boating looking more like a picnic blanket than a sailor.