Marketing Apprentice with an obsession with the colour pink.

Lover of fashion but am a person of the poor kind so no money to fund the vogue lifestyle I dream for.
Please browse and enjoy my average life and average clothing ~

Preppy Polly

Last Friday, I went to celebrate my boy Adam's 20th birthday (BFF) and we planned on going for a meal with a group of our friends, and then going on for drinks. It ended up being a full club night until 4 in the morning of non stop dancing, and my outfit let me stay comfortable the whole way through. 
The new look leopard print platform trainers are now a personal favourite of mine as they are super comfy and, of course because they're leopard print, super cute. As well, I love the mesh crop top I'm wearing from H&M, along with the H&M skirt.
(Bralet - Topshop in the sale)

I have been toying with the idea of changing my blog name to something (clever, hopefully) to do with me seemingly having just one style - preppy. I am constantly trying to find an item that's high neck, tartan or generally resembles anything 90s like or 'prep' like. 
Any how, here is my outfit for the day ~ I shopped with my fav girl and gay boy and wore this number. The jumper is from missguided, and is a Christmas present from my lovely nana (with all of my supervision of course) and the skirt is an eBay bargain which is fab for winter as it's so, so thick ~ ciao x

Unnecessary photo of my ring on my dress. Prints are cute though ~

Christmas presents yay.

My nan is an official and special babe. For Christmas she got me this cute dogstooth (anyone who knows izzy tombs knows I love dogstooth) a line skirt from missguided, AND the fluffiest (anyone who knows izzy tombs knows I love fluff (fluff and dogstooth keep up)) turtle neck, white jumper (not shown in the photo) also from missguided.  All with the complete supervision from myself, obviously (as if it was down to my nan I would be getting copious amounts of toilet roll cosy's - a kind of jumper for a toilet roll thing??-) but still both garments have made me love my nan even more than I already did (if that was possible).

I understand that this is NOT a blog about loving nans (but that would be a cute blog.... or really weird), and therefore  I shall get back to the dogstooth skirt. It's cute, a reallllly fab shape and it can't be worn on LITERALLY any occasion if you dress is accordingly. 
It is very nearly Christmas day, the weather is dropping to ice burg degrees and then there is me, Izzy Tombs, going out on a Saturday night to Frankie and Bennies with no sleeves (no sleeves???) yes, I really did brave it. I was so desperate to wear the bargain top I got sooo long ago now (£5 in a New Look sale) and so I just went and DID IT. Paired with my faux leather skirt, I got compliments all night... (just from my boyfriend, but still even that is rare).
Excuse my boring photo, but I dared it today by wearing a NEON PINK, fluffy cropped jumper, with a summer dress.. to work! I thought my casual-carrie outfit might cause a stir with the colleagues, however there was not a peep of annoyance, wahoo, the fluffly jumper can stay.


It's Saturday yay ~~

Saturday is always a day I love because it means my outfit doesn't have to sit in the lines of office wear... However (as you can see) I haven't really gone crazy with my day off of boring work wear.. 
I got this BEAUTIFUL ribbed turtle neck yesterday for just £2.50 from a cute little charity shop in the nice side of Romford. I am wearing this as it's extremely snugly and easy, and a pop of pink is always a fav of mine ~

ANOTHER boring office attire post.

Should I just change this whole blog to an 'office wear' theme? Please understand as the office is the place I spend 50% of my time it does mean I try my hardest to find cute and quirky office outfits.. I know they're boring but they might help another 18/19 year old girl going into their first job role too?? Maybe??? (Fingers crossed) 
Anyways, here's my red blouse and patterned skirt that I think has a cute 60s look ~*~
(Yes there is a mysterious mattress in the background)

Friday night mis-match.

On Friday evening I saw my friend who had come down from uni and we had a cute evening in her lounge. As winter approaches I notice how scarily little I have in the way of warm clothes and honestly my thick, tartan Topshop skirt was the most likely item of clothing that would keep me warm as well as staying 'stylish' (I cringed while typing that). So here is an outfit which is completely confused but works in a "clueless inspired- it's cold outside" kind of way. 

Wardrobe Finds.

Why oh why have I neglected this Peter Pan collared dress for so long? It's been sitting in the unwanted part of my wardrobe for so long and this morning in a panic (due to unexpected window cleaners looking at me in underwear) I threw it on and understood why I brought all those years ago (and from Primark). I will never ignore/ hate this super cute dress again (no promises though oops) as it's cute and easy for the office, yay.

Office Wear (again).

I am constantly having to remind myself that even though I am going to the same place and seeing the same people 5 days a week doesn't mean I shouldn't make an effort.. This blog post doesn't at all represent that I have made an effort however. With minimal make up and boring hair I can never be bothered to look pretty for my boss (which sounds really weird reading that back).HOWEVER, this £5 dress from the massive new look sale earlier this year has made me very happy! I absolutely adore dogtooth whether it's in season or out of season (which is something I don't keep up with anyway) and the little pockets on this shift dress make this whole working life thing a bit more exciting for moi~~ (P.S. Excuse my HILARIOUS face in this one).