Marketing Apprentice with an obsession with the colour pink.

Lover of fashion but am a person of the poor kind so no money to fund the vogue lifestyle I dream for.
Please browse and enjoy my average life and average clothing ~

Season Confusion

I have just purchased this boyfriend style wool coat from Boohoo.. bare in mind it's still September which can be classed as summer?! I am too organised with my clothing this year, or maybe I am just completely definitely over spending?
Financial difficulties aside, I have grown to really like this coat and can't wait for when it's actually cold enough to wear and not just wait in my wardrobe.. 

3 shots of flower power.

I love cami tops but I have significantly little of them which really needs to change. I love this top because it's pretty and simple but has a silky kinda feel so feels delightful on the skin (um izzy) and goes with anythiiiiiing.

Not Worthy at all.

This blog post definitely doesn't even count as a blog post but I am simply just bored. H and M jumper over a run down collar as usual for the working office lady attire, and pouty lips JUST for you.

Birthday Uses

My beautiful best friends all pitched in to get me a New Look voucher for my birthday and so with only half of it I got this amazing rucksack leather bag which I havw been drooling over ever since I first saw it. 
I am usually never a rucksack kind of girl as I am not Bear Grylls, however I fell in love with this when I was browsing New Look's website whilst I was working... working super hard  I might add.
I also got this cute little crop top as well which is vair Izzy.

Benny's Artwork.

Don't be alarmed, me and my pal Adam aren't really getting frisky. This is neither a fashion post. I like the grittiness of iPad and Instagram effects that Ben used to make his photography a bit trampish (the look he was going for, I'm not being rude).. The hole near my buttocks also very much top it off. 

White on white.

Probably the most boring blog post in the history of blog posts ever but I love this flower collar over my white granny jumper it's cute, smart and I felt way angelic (am actually far from angelic however).

Birthday Presents.

I officially have the best mumma ever. As well as getting Marc Jacobs - Honey, I got two skirts and extra perfume bits for my birthday, including this lovely leather skirt (apparently it's not leather it's a kind of plastic leather?? But we will roll with it).
I never usually trust my mothers judgement on clothes but (shockingly) I love this skirt and it makes every outfit that little bit sexier (which is useful as I definitely don't have even a little bit of sexy from my own accord).

  Birthday Outfit
My favourite white skirt with my new 90s style crop top was my outfit choice for my 19th garden party. However, an outfit change was necessary after spilling copious amounts of strawberry daquiri down beloved white skirt (I have mentioned my clumsiness before, I really wasn't joking). 

P.S excuse ones face in this diabolical photo.

The most beautiful 3 inches I have ever seen.

Here's hoping the cheeky post title amused you. These 3 inch heels are a birthday present from my nan (with strict instruction from moi of course) and I adore them. They are perfect for many occasions (excluding any running down stairs quickly which I learnt the hard way) and can look smart, hot or trendy. 

One Day Off Of 19.

Boring work attire to calm my excitement for my big 1-9 tomorrow. Any clothes too pretty would just work me up all day...
Cowgirl chic? Na (yeehaw?)


It's likely I will always be wearing my choker. It's not my fault if you hate them because that's your problem as they are fab. I tend to wear my fav primarche sunnies everywhere too, including when it's night time.. Don't judge me and my quirks.(Also meet Lucy).

Dancing Girls Meal

Last year's purchase of an off the shoulder polka dot crop top with my essential high waisted jeans which if you don't own I will be completely shocked on how on earth you live your everyday life. Everyone should understand the usefulness and sleeeeekness of this worshipped style of jeans. (Excuse the room and also the face).

Meal out... Again
Last night's meal (forever eating, call me fatteh). A standard, old and needs to be thrown away jumper from H and M over a cute little stripy turtle neck top (originally a dress from Boohoo). Expect to see panda case in many blogposts, hollaaaaaaa ~~~~~