Marketing Apprentice with an obsession with the colour pink.

Lover of fashion but am a person of the poor kind so no money to fund the vogue lifestyle I dream for.
Please browse and enjoy my average life and average clothing ~

Preppy Polly

Last Friday, I went to celebrate my boy Adam's 20th birthday (BFF) and we planned on going for a meal with a group of our friends, and then going on for drinks. It ended up being a full club night until 4 in the morning of non stop dancing, and my outfit let me stay comfortable the whole way through. 
The new look leopard print platform trainers are now a personal favourite of mine as they are super comfy and, of course because they're leopard print, super cute. As well, I love the mesh crop top I'm wearing from H&M, along with the H&M skirt.
(Bralet - Topshop in the sale)

I have been toying with the idea of changing my blog name to something (clever, hopefully) to do with me seemingly having just one style - preppy. I am constantly trying to find an item that's high neck, tartan or generally resembles anything 90s like or 'prep' like. 
Any how, here is my outfit for the day ~ I shopped with my fav girl and gay boy and wore this number. The jumper is from missguided, and is a Christmas present from my lovely nana (with all of my supervision of course) and the skirt is an eBay bargain which is fab for winter as it's so, so thick ~ ciao x

Unnecessary photo of my ring on my dress. Prints are cute though ~